Fujitsu global survey highlights four keys to successful sustainability transformation, 提供来自1正规博彩十大网站排名,800位商界领袖

Identifying the status of sustainability transformation by industry 以及2025年至2030年间技术实施的前景

发表: 2023年7月12日
作者: 富士通有限
类型: 正规博彩十大网站

东京,2023年6月29日 —富士通今天发布了Fujitsu Future 正规博彩十大网站排名 2023年全球正规博彩十大网站排名转型调查报告, 强调1 .的调查结果,800名高管和关键决策者分布在9个国家, 与 the aim of understanding the current status and global trends around sustainability transformation(1).

与牛津经济研究院合作, this seventh survey explores the current status of sustainability transformation, including how digital transformation contributes to the achievement of sustainability goals. 根据结果, Fujitsu identified four key success factors for sustainability transformation, 数字化引领的行业可持续转型现状, 以及2025年至2030年间技术实施的前景.

The findings of this survey will help Fujitsu to address the challenges of realizing a sustainable world 与 customers through 富士通Uvance.


今天, environmental and social sustainability challenges such as climate change and geopolitical tensions are interlinked and, 在很多情况下, 相互影响. 这些挑战对企业的影响比以往任何时候都更加明显, 强调各组织需要立即采取行动. 与牛津经济研究院合作, Fujitsu conducted this survey to clarify the state and the success factors for sustainability transformation.


1. 可持续转型的状态

The survey revealed that only 8% of organizations are true sustainability leaders, 发展组织能力, 实施策略, and delivering outcomes toward the realization of sustainability transformation. While many business leaders consider the transformation to an organization that delivers value to the environment and society as important, they believe that the complexity and enormity of the challenges involved make such transformation difficult to achieve. The survey findings revealed that many organizations have just started their full-fledged journey towards sustainability transformation.

2. 可持续转型的四个关键成功因素

The survey analyzed the characteristics and initiatives common to sustainability leaders, identifying the following four key success factors for sustainability transformation:


(2)培养对客户和员工的同理心, 例如,通过发展技能和促进多样性和包容性



例如, 89%的正规博彩十大网站排名领导者, 根据新业务的目的改进或退出新业务. On the other hand, only 45% of non-leaders are engaged in purpose-driven business management.

3. 技术加速了可持续转型

The survey revealed that sustainability leaders are actively driving digital transformation and have high organizational capabilities in digital technology. 例如, 84% of sustainability leaders have employees 与 the skills required for digital transformation and 79% of leaders use progressive methodologies like agile development. In addition, 78% are transforming their business processes using data and digital technologies.

The survey also confirmed that around 80% of sustainability leaders believe the five key dimensions of automation, 经验, 创新, resilience and trust are crucial to digital-led sustainability transformation. It also explores the status of sustainability transformation in these five dimensions by industry, 以及2025年至2030年间技术实施的前景. 例如, around two thirds of survey respondents already implement AI to automate tasks and improve employee productivity and 经验, while 42% expect that more than half of all business tasks across their organization will be carried out through collaboration between 人 and AI by 2030.


  1. 期间:2023年1月
  2. 调查国家:澳大利亚, 中国, 法国, 德国, 日本, 新加坡, 西班牙, 英国, 和美国
  3. Respondents: executives and key decision makers at organizations 与 500 or more employees and sales of 10 billion yen or more in the previous fiscal year (one response per organization).
  4. Methodology: Anonymous online survey (number: 1,800) and interviews (number: 22)
  5. Please download the Fujitsu Future 正规博彩十大网站排名 2023年全球正规博彩十大网站排名转型调查报告
  • [1] Sustainability transformation :Sustainability transformation means transforming business to bring about positive change in our environment, 社会和经济. Examples include the reduction of energy usage and CO2 emissions through continuous monitoring and the reduction of waste by implementing end-to-end traceability.


富士通的目标是为实现正规博彩十大网站排名做出贡献, 再生社会在其中的环境, 人, and the economy are interconnected in alignment 与 its purpose: “Make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through 创新.“作为正规博彩十大网站排名转型的合作伙伴, 富士通将与客户一起解决环境问题, 改善民生, 使企业向实现可持续经济增长的方向转变, 与 富士通Uvance 在实现可持续世界方面发挥核心作用.


The Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 represent a set of common goals to be achieved worldwide by 2030.
Fujitsu’s purpose — “to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through 创新” — is a promise to contribute to the vision of a better future empowered by the SDGs.

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